The Gifts of Gab: The Importance of Socialization and Community for Seniors

In later life, friends sometimes move away, and children grow up to lead their own busy lives. And if your hearing isn’t as sharp as it used to be, or getting around is more difficult, it takes more effort to get out of the house and socialize. But staying connected has real benefits for your well-being. One of the best things you can do to keep your body and mind healthy is spend quality time with people you care about. Social interaction does a lot more than fill your date book. It improves your quality of life.


The Experts Have Spoken: Benefits of Socialization

1.Slow Your Memory Loss
Simple actions make a big impact. A 2013 report from Harvard Medical School found that socialization can minimize memory loss. The report goes on to say that social activities for seniors are so beneficial because even a simple conversation requires memory, attention, reasoning and language — all cognitive functions that should be exercised regularly.

2.Reduce Stress and Increase Contentment
When you spend time with loved ones, you feel more relaxed. A 2018 article in Medical News Today breaks down the neurotransmitters that the brain releases during social interaction. More oxytocin means you feel greater levels of trust, decreased cortisol levels lower stress, and more dopamine lessens pain and triggers joy.

3.Grow More Healthy Friendships
Many activity ideas for seniors include group workouts. It turns out workouts are more beneficial when you participate with friends. A 2017 study published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association revealed that regularly participating in group fitness classes lowers stress and enhances physical, mental and emotional quality of life. Engaging in volunteer opportunities for seniors is another great way to stay active and socially connected.


Find Just the Right Senior Activities Ideas

Finding hobbies or projects that you enjoy is key. Sedgebrook offers many great options for social activities for seniors. These ideas move beyond the outdated notions of “activities for the elderly” to serve the vibrant people who live in our community. In fact, you’ll find more than 90 clubs here, run by residents who share common interests, and we’re always open to new ideas.

You may be inspired by active options or more relaxed choices — what matters is that you’re connecting with friends and experiencing the benefits of socialization.

Walking Club
Exercise Classes
Dancing (Line Dancing or Ballroom)
Wii Sports League
Gardening Club
Cooking Classes
Group Travel

Board Games
Card Games
Knitting/Crochet Circles
Support Groups
Book Club
Continuing Education
Art Classes

According to a recent Age Well Study from Mather LifeWays Institute and Northwestern University, residents of Life Plan Communities, like Sedgebrook, report having a more active social life. That’s because social connectedness is built in at Sedgebrook. Whether you choose to interact a little or a lot, you know that neighbors are always just down the hall, a calendar of social activities is yours to explore, and friendly staff are available whenever help is needed.

To learn more about how our lifestyle can improve yours, schedule a visit by using our contact form. We love making new friends.

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