b'8 TIPS FOR DOWNSIZINGOr As We Call It, Rightsizing.Get organized.Pass it on. Create a list for every room in yourDo friends or family members have house, sorting each possession intotheir eye on one of your possessions? one of three categories: Why not share now? Youll have the joy of watching them enjoy something Keep Give Away Decide Later precious to you both.(Note: Everything in the Decide Later list eventuallySharing underway or complete.must move to one of the other columns.)Lists made. Be ruthless. Keep only what you use or what has Be homey.significant sentimental value. Keep only the collectibles that makeKeepable treasures identifiedyour house distinctively your home.and marked with a sticky note.Collectibles not to be keptdesignated for their Let go of your library. respective destinations. Books are heavy, expensive to move, and take up lots of space. Keep your Clean the kitchen.cherished favorites and donate orsell the rest.How many frying pans and ovenproof dishes do you actually use? Keep whatBook giveaway/sale scheduled.you need and give the rest away. Youll be cooking less and taking advantageof the dining options at the senior livingFreshen your linens. community you move to.Inventory your sheets, blankets, and Kitchen organized. bath towels, and throw away any threadbare, stained or unmatched items. In fact, once youve moved, you Bare the hangers!might want all new items to match Sort your clothing and coats. Keep whatyour new space.fits and flattersand is still in style. Linen closet cleaned and sorted.Rule of thumb? If you havent worn itin a year, you dont need it anymore.Closets cleaned and sorted.16'