b'WHAT WOULD IT TAKE?Have you ever wondered about moving to a senior living community? What would it take? you ask yourself. For many, the idea of choosing a new residence, selling your home, packing, and moving may seem daunting. Moving is hard at any age but it can be especially emotional when youve spent decades in your beloved family home. Rest assured, youre not alone. These feelings are normal. This guide was created to remove some of the stress of moving. The guide divides the moving process into stages, with smaller steps to complete during each stage. By tackling the process one step at a time, you can move forward at your own pace and gain confidence along the way. So, if youre ready to take the first step, turn the page and use this guide as a bridge to your new life. And before you know it, youll be enjoying a carefree retirement lifestyle that exceeds your every expectation. 3'